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Why a school water bottle is healthy for your child

Take a look around our website at Westfield and you’ll see a section on school water bottles, we stock regular sized bottles and lunch box size products so your child has something to drink with their lunchtime butty! Provide your child with a bottle of water per day and you are actively promoting their wellbeing and contributing to their learning too. How is this? Read this blog to find out. 1. Water improves concentration – Cast your mind back to your school days. Do you remember those dull days sat in a classroom listening to your least favourite teacher as they drone on about a subject you hate? It was hard to concentrate wasn’t it? Bet your kids feel the same about some of their subjects so give them the ammunition they need to cope at school, water is a really good fluid for boosting concentration levels. 2. Water keeps you hydrated – The body needs water to stay hydrated, if your child sits in hot and stuffy classrooms for a prolonged period of time without drinking water they could start to dehydrate. Make sure this doesn’t happen. Pack a water bottle in their bag and ask them to drink it daily. 3. Water makes you regular – Drink plenty of water and it’s great for the digestive system, prevent your child becoming constipated, give them water to flush out their system. 4. Water boosts the immune system – Schools are breeding grounds for coughs, colds, bugs and bacteria in general, water is a natural defence against such worries, it strengthens the immune system, a bottle or more a day keeps the bugs away. 5. Water is good for the complexion – You have to feel sorry for teenagers struggling to cope with their hormones. Acne can be painfully embarrassing for a youngster so help your child by providing them with a school water bottle, this fabulous fluid is fantastic as flushing out toxins and it genuinely helps to clear up spotty complexions.

Article Posted: 07/04/2014 08:35:59

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